Tool to find your AEA Local Affiliate
I think the biggest message to share is that there are many states in the western United States that do not have a local affiliate! These states include Washington, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, and Oklahoma. Eastern Evaluation Research Society (EERS) is perhaps the largest local affiliate (idea: add numbers of members for each LA!) and represents everything east of the Missippi, but we don't have an equivalent for the western half of the United States. We need a Western Evaluation Society!
Update 5/27/2018: Map was updated to reflect that Washington Evaluators (WE) serves Washington D.C., Virginia, and Maryland.
Update 5/28/2018: Map was updated to reflect that New York Consortium of Evaluators (NYCE) serves New York and New Jersey.
Update 4/11/2020: Map was updated to reflect the new Northern California Association, Seattle Evaluation Association, and Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Evaluación.